Drug Safety in the News

Why Do Doctors Make Decisions Not Rooted in Research?

This in-depth article investigates why physicians perform many common medical practices despite extensive contradicting research, including prescribing drugs that are not shown to be effective and, in fact, cause real harm.

Medical Experts “Complicit” in Children Developing Drug-Induced Deformities

It is estimated that 20,000 babies in the UK have been harmed by an anti-epilepsy drug, which has caused babies to be born with brain damage and autism. Regulators knew about the risk in 1973 and decided not to warn patients!

Do the Benefits of this Drug Outweigh the Risk? You Be the Judge

It was supposed to be a breakthrough treatment for Parkinson’s disease psychosis--then people started dying. What’s more, the company is currently seeking approval to treat a wider group of people…

Not All Drug Companies Conduct Mandatory Safety Studies After Approval

It makes sense that after approval, the FDA requires drug companies to run studies to track possible side effects that might emerge. What doesn’t make sense is why the New England Journal of Medicine discovered many of these studies are delayed or don’t even happen.

Teens are at Risk for Serious Drug-Drug Interactions

Adverse drug events are one of the top causes of injuries and death among children and adolescents in the United States. Find out why teenage girls are at the greatest risk.

Solving a Case of Rapldly Progressive Dementia

Check out this great success story highlighting the other side of drug safety: ensuring proper patient medication use at home. You’ll never guess what the secret was to finding the cure…

FDA-Approved Drugs are Not Always Safe

A decade long study finds that a third of the drugs approved by the FDA had postmarket safety events. Read how the FDA required manufacturers to add new warnings, provide safety information, and even withdraw some of the drugs from the market.

Pharmacies Fail to Warn Patients of Dangerous Drug Combinations

Watch as reporters test pharmacies by bringing them prescriptions for dangerous drug combinations. Spoiler: Half of the pharmacies issue prescriptions without even a warning.

Experts Say Drug Labels Need a Makeover

Ever think to yourself that the information inside your medicine is too scary, overwhelming, or confusing? The Academy of Medical Sciences says this needs to change.

Should We Have His and Hers Medicine Cabinets?

Learn how a team in Europe found out that the efficacy of certain drugs are different in men and women. Some researchers are even calling for companies to manufacture gender-specific versions of their drugs.

Overprescribing the Elderly

Nearly half of people between the ages of 70 and 79 take at least five pills a day, while for some that number exceeds 20 medications. This report describes the polypharmacy problem, highlights a growing “deprescribing” movement, and offers advice to individuals.

The Little Red Pill Being Pushed in Nursing Homes

Why is a drug prescribed for a condition that affects less than 1% of all Americans selling for nearly $300 million a year? You will never believe the tangled web of deceit from the company, doctors, pharmacists, and even nurses.